I am so blessed and lucky to have this team of sponsors behind me every step of the way. Thank you for your generosity and support while I work towards my goals. I couldn’t do it without you!
You can learn more about my awesome team of supporters by clicking on their logos listed at the bottom of this page. They include Nike, Phoenix Regen, UCAN and Sherman Sport and Spine.
Team Grunnagle also includes: My awesome husband Harry who spends hours on the bike pacing me and keeping me safe, my dedicated and smart coach Dathan Ritzenhein who helped me to my marathon best performances, my massage therapist, John Janosko who keeps my body altogether and my chiropractor, Logan Sherman who makes sure the wheels and back are finely tuned and my recovery friends, Mark and Eric over at CryoUSA/Phoenix Regen Centers who have believed in me from the start. Don Hunter who spends hours creating routes and helping on the bike and my workout pacer, Dane Batzel who lets me draft off of him! I am very lucky to have such an incredible Team Grunnagle getting me to the line healthy and prepared on race day!
Interested in working with me? Please contact me today for more information on how I can help you!
- Sponsorship
- Appearances
- Running Form/Drill Clinics
- SpeedKIDZ Coaching
- APEX TC High School Elite Team